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How to Stay Productive Working From Home

When our whole lives seem to occur in the same small space, possibly with others trying to fit their whole lives in that same small space, too, it can be even more challenging to get great focus at work than it already is under normal circumstances. Here are our top 3 tips for staying productive while working from home.

1. Create a Ritual (and stick to it)

Start by picking a spot that’s designated for work, only. Research has shown that working in a space you associate with other activities, like sleeping, lounging, or eating, can stifle focus. This could mean moving your existing furniture around, picking an area you don’t normally use, or ordering a small table and chair to put in the corner of the room.

Tips For Working From Home Space Virtual Tours on Luxury Apartments in Chicago

Courtesy of Lucija Ros

Next, pick a morning routine. What do you do under normal circumstances? Some people feel that commuting helps to book end their day and transition between work and home life. You can recreate this by taking a walk around the block before and after your work day. Similarly, getting dressed in work clothes can help to signal to your brain that it’s time to focus, even if that just means you’re wearing your “Zoom outfit” (A.K.A. Dress shirt on top, sweats on the bottom.) Maybe your morning routine includes the gym and Starbucks. Whatever it is, identify what helps you transition throughout your day and get creative on how to recreate those experiences while working from home.

2. Take Breaks, Avoid Distractions (Read: Stay Off Social!)

Designated breaks and distractions are different. Human ultradian rhythms generally allow for 90 minute “sprints” of focus before becoming distracted. Give yourself a designated stretch break, time to take a walk, grab a snack, or a Ted talk to listen to every 90 minutes to recharge. According to a study at the University of California Irvine, it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get your focus back after a distraction.

The reason distractions are different is that they are not controlled or accounted for. If you don’t take a designated break, you’re becoming susceptible to increased distractions (which would likely be multiple times in the same window).

3. Create Boundaries

Tips For Working From Home Space Virtual Tours on Luxury Apartments in Chicago

Courtesy of Bogomil Mihaylov

Boundaries both with work and with home life are important. Know when to clock out from work and give yourself designated technology free times. It’s also important to have boundaries with your home life. That could mean putting a “do not disturb” sign on the door for a portion of the time you’re working each day, saving household chores until after work is done, and if you share a small space with other people, setting expectations. That could mean waking up earlier than the rest of your household to get some quiet focus time, or setting spatial expectations. (For instance: “Can you please pick an hour window that I can have this designated area to myself each afternoon?”)


Looking for luxury apartments for rent in Chicago with space for working from home? Contact us today! We are currently offering virtual tours!

5 Free Fitness Programs During COVID-19

It’s going to be at least another month before fitness centers start to reopen, but that doesn’t mean you have to get off track with your health goals. If you’re looking for ways to get or stay healthy during the COVID-19 Shelter in Place Order, here are five fitness programs you can do from home for free with minimal equipment!

Free Virtual Fitness Classes at Home

Courtesy of Jonathan Borba


Although ClassPass is normally a paid membership, free fitness classes are available to all users for free through the app, including HIIT, yoga, pilates, and more.

If you’re already a ClassPass user, you can roll over an unlimited amount of credits for when in person classes resume or use your existing credits for livestream classes anytime.

Pure Barre

Pure Barre is offering free live classes! Can’t make the live classes work with your schedule? Classes are recorded and uploaded to the Pure Barre Facebook page to watch anytime. Classes will call for some equipment, like hand weights, but feel free to get creative with household items! (Tip– a can of Bush’s beans weighs exactly 1 lb.)

Free Virtual Fitness Classes at Home Online

Pure Barre is one of multiple boutique studios offering virtual classes online.

Barry’s Bootcamp

Barry’s Bootcamp is streaming it’s HIIT workouts twice daily on IGTV. Check out the 20 minute work out sessions on the @Barrys Instagram account. Some of the sessions will call for equipment (like elastic bands).

Peloton App

Peloton’s on demand app offers an assortment of classes in their 30 day free trial, including yoga, running, strength training, outdoor workouts, meditation, and more, no bike required!

Corepower Yoga

Corepower is making select online classes available for free during the coronavirus stay at home order. Choose from CPY favorites like C1, C1.5, C2, Hot Power Fusion, Yoga Sculpt, or guided breath meditations. You can also get unlimited access to all classes for $19.99 monthly.

Looking for luxury apartments for rent? We’re offering virtual tours! Contact us today for more information and to get all your questions answered by one of our neighborhood experts.